Monday, January 25, 2016

CIEC enjoys a productive time at the ASE Annual Conference

Three of the CIEC team delivered primary workshops at the Annual ASE Conference held this year at Birmingham University at the start of this term.
Clare Warren gave a practical session exploring different approaches for engaging students with science entitled Teaching Science or Teaching Scientists?

Gayle Pook’s session Working Scienti­fically with Real Scientists explored how CIEC harness the expertise and goodwill of industry to engage primary children with both science and the possibility of industry as a career.
Enjoying practical science in Gayle’s session
Jane Winter had notable success with her session Get out more: Inspiring Science in the Outdoor Classroom which explored exciting and manageable ways to go outside as much as possible and to use the potential of the ‘outdoor classroom’ to engage and motivate children and to maximise their science learning. Jane delivered her talk to a packed lecture theatre and has received great feedback since the event.
Gayle and Clare also demonstrated a range of practical science activities in the Primary Pop-Up session held during one of the lunch breaks.
One of the Primary Pop Up activities
Gayle pronounced the conference to be a rewarding few days for CIEC, “It is such a good event each year for meeting new educators, for showcasing the work of CIEC and engaging in really useful CPD for the team. This year there was a great atmosphere with everyone keen to improve their skills in order to engage children with science.”

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