Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Science work for the new term - let industry inspire you

Children working on the Water for Industry activity

Make your time spent on science work with your primary class benefit the children to great effect by using activities set in an industrial context. CIEC activities are all set in an  industrial context which anchors the science work firmly in the real world. Not only does this help to reinforce the scientific principle being looked at but it also introduces children to the idea of working with science and in industry.

Look at the full range of primary science activities and see how the Children Challenging Industry project is run.

 Children Challenging Industry Project (CCI) is the flagship primary project from CIEC (Centre for Industry Education Collaboration).
One of CIEC’s Advisory Teachers works with one class at a time by going into school and carrying out science activities with an industrial context with the class. The class teacher observes and joins in. The culmination of the sessions is a visit to a local industry where the children can see the science they have been doing in school translated into industry.
The result is the children’s science results improve, they remember the whole experience for years afterwards and many of them become interested in working in the science industries. The primary teachers gain excellent CPD in their own school and the local industries find that not only do the local children and community benefit but the experience of working with the children and schools promotes job satisfaction.

Children Challenging Industry runs in the north of England and the Hertfordshire area. If your company is interested in getting involved (wherever you are) please contact either Joy Parvin or Gayle Pook (Co-directors of CIEC) at ciec@york.ac.uk

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