Monday, January 23, 2012

Another Exciting New Resource from CIEC Promoting science

During February-April CIEC Promoting science has an exciting new resources for you to trial. Aimed at teachers of 9-11 year olds, this resource focuses on ‘scientists at work’ making sun creams, soaps, bath foams and more. This is achieved via a series of classroom practical activities and investigations, and interactive website. In addition, you could have the opportunity for an industry ambassador to visit your classroom, depending on your geographic location.

The curriculum-linked classroom activities are explained in clear concise teachers’ notes and activity sheets, which can be downloaded from the website.

If you would like to take part in this trial please contact us on providing an email address to which you would prefer the electronic resources to be sent. We will send you a questionnaire to complete and return after the trial, and welcome children’s feedback as well as samples of work and photographs of the children/ambassadors in action (subject to permission for use).

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