Students working on the 'Spectroscopy in a Suitcase' activity
Over the next six months CIEC in collaboration with Cogent
are holding six careers days (three in York and three in Teesside) to show
local students what it is like to have a career in one of the science
industries. Each region will have one day for each of 11-14, 14-16 and 16-19
age groups.
The morning sessions will be run by CIEC and will consist of
a spectroscopy activity and a workshop based on either the Essential Chemical
Industry website or Liquid Crystals. The afternoon workshops will be run by
companies in the north already involved with CIEC .
The Careers Days will be free to attend and the programme
for the day will run as follows (timings may vary):
9.30 Students arrive
9.45 Introduction
10.00 Spectroscopy in a Suitcase Workshop
11.00 ECI/Liquid Crystals workshop
12.00 Initial evaluation and lunch
12.45 Industry workshop
14.30 Evaluation and close of day
workshops are a great opportunity for students to get a taste of working in the
STEM industries and understanding what an interesting and rewarding career
pathway the STEM subjects can lead to.
The dates and number of places available for the workshops will
be advertised on the CIEC site soon.